
I remember a time where boys used to intimidate me. Most of us are always so scared of them and what they have to say about us. We perceive ourselves as something we hope that certain guys will like and want to pursue. We’re so sad, and busy over thinking that we don’t even bother thinking about what we can do instead. Why waste so much time on what should have been, when you can be thinking about what you could be doing elsewhere !

I used to cry over boys all the time, literally all the time, and most girls won’t admit it but we’re all crying a little too much for my liking. It’s gotta stop. Let’s get real here, why do we have to cry over guys? Why do we feel like they’re better than us when maybe they are not even good enough. Then I read this great blog post, talking about Snooki. Ya, that Snooki, and everything changed. My friend made the point that when comparing Snooki to the modern day woman they’re completely different.

When modern day women go through a break-up, well we all know what that’s like, but when Snooki goes through a break up she’s got it together! Damn do I look up to her, and then I thought about it, why can’t I do that? Why can’t we all do that? Why I can’t I just brush it off my shoulders and move on to bigger and better things. If he doesn’t text you, tinderella’s get out your phones and get cracking. We’re confined to this idea that we’ve only got a couple shots, and as we get older each prospect seems more promising. With anything that’s promising and happens to fall through can also lead to great disappointment. That look isn’t working for us anymore, time for some change. No. No more. You know how many people there are on this planet?????? and you’re crying about  wait,.. what’s his name?? If this great idea you had doesn’t work out, get on to the next idea, who’s to say the next idea won’t be better than the first?

I’m gonna speak for every girl when I say that once you find someone new it’s easy to laugh at the past and perhaps learn from it. Ya the between is a little bit sticky, but who doesn’t like honey???? Point is, we can’t cry anymore, we can’t complain about him not texting us, because there’s another guy out there just waiting to text you.

Now you guys already know I cry a lot, but I’m making a change in the way I see relationships and the other gender. No more crying. No more complaining because I realized after reading that article that I’m awesome. We’re so focused on who doesn’t want to be with us that we blind ourselves from the ones who do.

With that said, ladies, really? Do I have to tell you to go out there and get yourselves a man or have you already got your shoes on?

Here’s is the link to the post my friend wrote that I throughly enjoyed !


33 thoughts on “sigh no more, ladies.

  1. You have some nice insights going here. Congratulations and keep it up. It has taken me the better part of half my life to realize I am the only one whose opinion matters and if I dont love me, how can I expect anyone else to. Keep moving onward and upward! Thanks for following my blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello, Good advice for the lovelorn! I suppose there’s a balance between allowing yourself to feel your feelings and move past them, and wallowing in them for too long. Sometimes we really are blinded to our own futures, though. For example, I had a long-term relationship with a guitarist for 6 years. Probably half of the time we spent together, I was watching him practice or going to his rehearsals. I thought I was just being a supportive girlfriend. In retrospect, I wish I had taken up an instrument – if I had spent even half of that time practicing and rehearsing myself, I’d be brilliant by now 🙂


  3. This is really good advice. I think every girl and woman should read this when they are going through a break-up or stressing over a guy.


  4. I love this. I came to this realisation, admittedly a little late, about my current ex-boyfriend. It took me a year too long to realise he was holding me back. So I broke up with him. I have plans for my life and I want to accomplish them, without having to drag someone kicking and screaming behind me.
    Thanks for this post 😀


  5. You are totally awesome!! Thanks so much for following my blog, yours is so amazing. Haha. I wonder what you found in mine that made you click follow, haha. I love your blog posts, very inspirational :)))


  6. Great post. I’m a guy and growing up I had so many of the same fears about girls. Now I find they are all wonderful and much easier to talk to. If I had only known that when I was young.


  7. Thank you for the follow! This post made me laugh and sounds like something all my successful twenty something friends would say. Very refreshing. I am not part of the crying club in fact I didn’t know how to cry until recently and I never did over a guy.


  8. ya, i’ve cried way too much! But thankfully I’ve grown in that dept. I don’t follow snooki but if anyone can hold their own that’s great! I like the candid conversation. all the best! looking forward to read more


  9. Hi
    A great post indeed. As a guy I have to agree with you. There are lots of guys there who are waiting for that girl. If as a girl you not been treated like a queen then move on. God has someone much better in store! Thanks for the follow and I look forward getting into your blog…. 🙂



  10. Pingback: sigh no more, ladies. | Break the mold

  11. That’s very true! I was able to get over the last disappointment very quickly because I decided I would and it was so much better than crying over him and wishing he would not have left. Thanks!


  12. I did enjoy this post. I also advise you to not push into another relationship until your sure your heart and your brain have gone back to working together as one.

    Also, I’m hitting the follow button here because you’ve got an awesome blog here. Keep it up!


  13. I’ve been fighting this way of thinking my whole life. When I finally found my one TRUE love who loves me just as I am – I wondered why I wasn’t so much time on the others. There is a plan and it’s coming together – for all of us! Good post!


  14. Hi! I really enjoyed your post. Thanks also for visiting my blog and liking it…your energy is important…What you have said is true….do we need to wallow? Or are we worthy enough just as we are?…..You are worthy….Many Blessings, Barbara xxxxx


  15. You are right, we cry, we suffer until we are done with it. When we really deeply understand that is not worth it, and we are just fed up, when it is the last straw! Thanks for sharing!


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